My linkedin

Old cpanel scipts

My Github - I make fun stuff, and solve issues for my personal needs.

I do devops and shit.
15+ years of linux
Docker, AWS, Middleware
RTP, North Carolina.

Remote work only.
I will not come into your office and waste time with politics.

A little about me, I live in the RTP with my wife and 3 dogs and soon to be daughter(2019). I live and breath tech and all things related. We run several companies out of our home
which include a Comics and Collectibles company, 2 Apparel companies, a custom 3d print company, and a VERY successful blog. I automate as much as possible, from our instagrams to our blog right down to our
home entertainment. Docker, Proxmox, Vagrant and Ansible are all part of that daily hustle. We love to go shooting, head to the woods and get crazy on the ATV's and then come back to civilization.

We are the American Dream

ajankuv at